
Yoga for Arthritis – Safe Muscle Strengthening

yoga for arthritis - safe muscle strengthening

Have you ever been in a month long arthritis flare where you couldn’t even move your body? I for sure have! 

After that month I wanted to spend some time to rebuild muscle, coordination, balance, posture… and just be able to move with more body strength again without hurting my joints even more. Discovering yoga for arthritis online was a little disappointing. 

Google it… what do you find? Older people videos, that aren’t very motivating or uplifting! 

yoga for arthritis teacher, Paulina, smiling directly into the camera while in a park in a forward fold position holding

I am here to CHANGE THAT

Yoga for arthritis is no longer boring, still or demotivating. Below I have prepared a list for you of some muscle strengthening yoga for arthritis.

Yoga for rheumatoid arthritis has many shapes, forms, speeds and styles. The yoga for arthritis that I focus on is a mixture of therapeutics and mindful movement, which you might enjoy or not. Give it a go, and let me know. 

JOIN our next live zoom session for free to discover Therapeutic Mindful Movement, key focus on safe movement for the body and positive healing for the mind. How to join? Subscribe to the newsletter to receive a weekly zoom timetable and registration link! 

I’ve been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2014, and after training, and using my own experience, I truly believe yoga is a gift for our community. 

  1. Reclined Table Top Variations
    Table top is truly one of my favourite strengthening postures out there, and its reclined version doesn’t put any pressure on the wrists or knees, and is perfect for core strengthening, balance improvement and slow breath with movement work. Core muscle engagement helps in our posture, helps to support our back and by doing that, it helps us walk with better safer alignment. Yoga for arthritis done the whole way. 
  2. Table Top 
    Mentioned the reclined version above, and here if you are having a day where your arthritis in knee, shoulders and wrists is feeling mostly you can give this one a go. With this option you work the core as well as leg & back strength. Still keeping the core engaged, balance is worked even more here with the key aspect of the breath. 
  3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
    Fierce, and so grounding 🔥 Practise this then take over the world! Strengthening your legs, gluten and arms in the process! Yoga for arthritis is not boring at all, it is full of power and love for our bodies. 
  4. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
    Arthritis feeling good in your knee and ankle day? This is a beautiful one to practise. Balance, strength, fun and so much inner confidence! Embody that warrior and rock it out! 
  5. Boat pose (Paripurna Navasana)
    Open up your chest, welcome in more love into your heart while working the muscles of your hips and abdominals. The balance it requires also engages your back, and make sure to try out some fun variations! Like spelling your name with your legs letter by letter in the air. Your go to safe yoga asana for arthritis muscle building without putting pressure on your joints. 
  6. Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
    Great yoga strength training asana to practise to engage all the back muscles – from your shoulders and neck, down to your waist – as well as the back of your legs and arms! 

Note that these are not the only ones, there are plenty others that can be done with even less strength. Would you like to see more? Have some others you enjoy doing that you’d like me to explain? Making yoga for arthritis safe, beneficial and therapeutic because we all deserve to feel amazing 😻 

Remember, you are a warrior 💪 

Namaste 🙏 

Paulina 🧘‍♀️ 

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