
New Moon in Gemini

gemini sign

Rise up and take the world by storm with your sheer brilliance!

👆 oh-so-breezy New Moon in Gemini is blossoming on June 10 chilling us all out. Flowing with the element of air, breezy and stress free energy coming your way ♊️  With an added power of the Solar Eclipse at the same time.

I am not an astrology expert myself, however I like to surround myself with people with great and beautiful knowledge on this topic. Here is an accumulation of knowledge on this New Moon in Taurus that I learned about from others. ✨I host regular monthly full moon ritual workshops, want to know more, just read here

First let us touch on what New Moons bring us in general. New Moons are a time of new beginnings and represent a fresh start. While some New Moons are highly active and love for us to run with their fresh new energy, some are more passive, and require us to retreat and reflect on where we are at. 🌸

Our sensual and grounded earth connection has guided us through the Taurus season and we now transition into Gemini, the quick, clever, and free-flowing twins. The new moon falls on June 10th. Brining us a lot of destress energy. The moon will affect all zodiac signs, but Gemini and Sagittarius will feel it the most. Any other fellow Sagittarius friends here? Hey sistah 👋 ♐️ ♊️  

Gemini is represented by the twins, with one twin being mortal and the other immortal. These two twins represent the duality we face on Earth. We are humans, limited by our physical bodies and in need of material comforts, but we are also limitless souls, on an endless journey of growth.  🥰🌼

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, and in Roman mythology this is the god of commerce, Hermes. The role of Hermes is the mediator to resolver of conflict. Planet Mercury governs communication, so it’s easy to see why Gemini is the ultimate communicator holding the gift of the gab. Now is the time to take advantage of talking through ideas to receive greater clarity and insight. Maybe you were too focussed in one direction and failed to see other options. Use the balance of strong intellect and imagination of Gemini to adapt and potentially change your mind. 🤓

Gemini is innovative and adaptable, which is a great time to shake things up using the fluidity of the Air element. It’s ok to jump from here to there, trying things out to see what works best for you without needing to get emotionally attached to a particular outcome. 💨 

 This Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new. You will be levelling up or perhaps reaching a new state of growth on your journey of evolution. 👑 

Take advantage of this cycle and Gemini energy to adjust and adapt to any situation or circumstance in your life. Rise up and take the world by storm with your sheer brilliance! ☔️ 

Ritual Suggestions

  • Bring the twin energy in with Partner Yoga or Acro Yoga
  • Participate in a Sharing Circle to express and process your thoughts and ideas to bring clarity on your vision with authentic relating
  • Get the vocal cords moving with Laughter Yoga
  • Get on the mat with a Throat Chakra Flow
  • Join us for the full moon workshop to learn even more. Info here.


Our New Moon in Gemini Mantra is Humee Hum Brahm Ham, a calming and clearing mantra. It is a powerful mantra for creative expression, helping remove fear to allow for authentic communication. This mantra literally means that we are the spirit of the Divine. ✨ 

Humee Hum Brahm Ham
We are We. We are the Divine.

Listen to it here.

“We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.”
– Rhonda Byrne


Here are some helpful affirmations to focus on this New Moon in Gemini ♊️ 

  • I communicate ideas through my highest self 
  • I am flexible and adaptable, I welcome change 
  • I confidently ask for what I want, knowing my wishes are valued
  • I respect my ideas and honor my voice’s true expression

Journaling Prompts

New moon is about planting new seeds and having a time ofreflection while the moon is at it’s least visible.Here are some questions to reflect on before setting somepowerful intentions for the lunar cycle ahead, and beyond:
  • What do I need to release before moving forward with thisnew moon cycle?
  • What patterns have I been holding on to that no longerserve?
  • What would I put my energy into if there were nolimitations?
  • What Project have I been holding off on starting?
  • What do I need to plan for?
  • What direction do I want to take?
  • What would my most confident self do/say/feel….?
  • What do I desire?
Join us in our monthly ritual workshops. Find more info our here

Which of these are you most interested in? Do you have any other New Moon rituals you’d like to share with others? Let me know, lets learn from one another. 

Special thank you to Ella, who I receive the most amount of knowledge on these topics, and for just being such a beautiful supportive soul. 

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Passion, Adventure, Freedom

👆 Sagittarius brings us these. ♉️ 

I am not an astrology expert myself, however I like to surround myself with people with great and beautiful knowledge on this topic. Here is an accumulation of knowledge on this Full Moon in Sagittarius that I learned about from others. ✨

First Lunar Eclipse of 2021 & Full Moon in Sagittarius. 🌙  Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius ♐️ 

What is a lunar eclipse?

An eclipse is like a super-charged moon, in that they only happen when the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun passes the plane of the moon’s orbit around the earth. This creates an eclipse season where the sun, moon and earth line up either shadowing the sun (creating a new moon) or shadowing the moon (creating a full moon). ☀️ 🌝 🌍 

These shadows and the blocking of light was what caused many of the ancients to proclaim eclipses to signal monumental shifts on an individual or collective level. Fortunately, eclipse seasons only last a couple of weeks, generally come in pairs and occur just twice a year. This eclipse season will bring a Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 and a New Moon Eclipse in Gemini on June 10. After that, we get another six months eclipse-free. 👌 

You can learn more about these energies, and learn about different rituals by joining us in our monthly full moon workshop. Next one is our Full Moon in Capricorn in June, find more details on it here.  ♑️ 

Time for revelations, epiphanies and endings – especially in regards to our belief systems, sense of freedom and desires to expand. Change is coming; are you ready? 🤓

The Super Flower Blood Full Moon Eclipse pushes you to explore new heights in your individual journey towards personal freedom. Aptly named for the timing of this full moon, when the flowers are blooming abundantly, this eclipse will show you the fruits of you labour achieved since the December 14 New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius last year. Ask yourself: What intentions did you set back then? If your intentions are in the works, then you might find your dreams finally coming to fruition. If the pieces don’t feel like they are coming together yet, that’s okay – this eclipse will give you opportunities to course-correct. 💌👀

During this full moon eclipse, the sun is in communication-orientated Gemini, which is the opposite of the freedom-loving moon in Sagittarius. This duo will challenge you to balance your urge to talk and share with the need to listen. Find some key questions to ask yourself during this very special full moon eclipse here.💌

Managing the energy of this eclipse lies in your ability to face your beliefs (and the beliefs of others) with curiosity and compassion. Remember, beliefs are learned and it is completely okay to outgrow a belief when your experience contradicts it! Because it will be in a tight square to Jupiter, this energy of shedding outdated belief systems will only be exasperated during this time. ✨ 

Spend time in reflection and contemplation, journaling and meditating will help you find greater clarity in what you need to release, in order to raise your vibrations in accordance with what you wish to manifest. 📒 

Smudging your physical space, cleaning and organising your home and taking purification baths during this time are also highly recommended. 🕯 

Time to release anything that no longer serves you, so you can make room for all that does. Sagittarius ♐️

Happy Full Moon Eclipse, love! 💕

Let the next six months be filled with a deeper connection to your spirit and soul. 🧘‍♀️

You can learn more about these energies, and learn about different rituals by joining us in our monthly full moon workshop. Next one is our Full Moon in Capricorn in June, find more details on it here

Mantra suggestion

This is a beautiful mantra to salute and honour the Lord Chandra, the moon lord. With this mantra, you can release, create space, and welcome in the qualities we spoke about the Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️  

Om chandraya namah

Listen to it here.

“Managing the energy of this eclipse lies in our ability to face our beliefs (and the beliefs of others) with curiosity and compassion.”

Want regular updates of new posts, programs, and moon rituals? Subscribe to the newsletter here
Get to know me more here.

You can learn more about these energies, and learn about different rituals by joining us in our monthly full moon workshop. Next one is our Full Moon in Capricorn in June, find more details on it here

Which of these are you most interested in? Do you have any other New Moon rituals you’d like to share with others? Let me know, lets learn from one another. 

Special thank you to Ella, who I receive the most amount of knowledge on these topics, and for just being such a beautiful supportive soul. 

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus Freebies





Download your Free New Moon Ritual Pack 


Guided meditation

Affirmation card deck

Journaling prompts


👆 oh-so-springy New Moon in Taurus is blossoming on May 11 showering  us with possibilities. A refreshingly spiritual yet grounded sense of energy to focus on your springtime goals. ♉️ 

I am not an astrology expert myself, however I like to surround myself with people with great and beautiful knowledge on this topic. Here is an accumulation of knowledge on this New Moon in Taurus that I learned about from others. ✨ 

First let us touch on what New Moons bring us in general. New Moons are a time of new beginnings and represent a fresh start. While some New Moons are highly active and love for us to run with their fresh new energy, some are more passive, and require us to retreat and reflect on where we are at. 🌸 

This Taurus New Moon is definitely one that calls for us to retreat. Any new energy that it brings is energy we should use to restore and recharge our batteries. 🔋 

New Moon in Taurus – hardworking and focused but also chill and down to earth sign. Helping us get down to work on our goals, but in a less rushed approached. Key here, is to work towards your goals, WHILST enjoying the whole ride there. Go slow and steady, don’t get distracted, enjoy each step of the way as this new moon in taurus is encouraging you to do that exactly. Focus on setting some new moon intentions – especially if they relate to Taurean themes like love, money, or your own values. 💕 💰 😊 

New Moon in Taurus brings a side of magic thanks to the sweet sextile aspect of the planet Neptune, which boosts our sense of idealism and encourages us to give even our most tangible, no-nonsense goals a healthy sprinkle of fantasy. Additionally a feisty planet Mars is connecting with unpredictable Uranus on the day of the new moon in taurus, bringing you a burst of energy and inspires to get bolder about getting what we want. The perfect cosmic boost to feel excited and optimistic without loosing focus. 

Allow the energies to flow where they may, rather than trying to direct or control the. Retreat and reflect, devote time to self care. As an earth sign, helping you get grounded and rooted into your body. 🌍 

As the ruler of Taurus, Venus is also a planet to watch at the time of this New Moon. Venus carriers a feminine energy. Feminine energy goes beyond gender, and is more about joining the flow and allowing ourselves to embrace the creative, intuitive, and less practical sides of our being. More about allowing your inner compass to guide you, rather than being caught up in the ego or in the opinions of others. 🌈 

Overall, the May Taurus New Moon is a chance to ground our energy, to recharge our batteries, and to welcome the creative energies of change.

It is our opportunity to go within and listen to the quiet, still voice of our heart. It is our opportunity to trust the wisdom and intuition of our own body. It is also a time to welcome the creative, wavy currents of energy that allow us to evolve and embrace any change with grace and ease.

Welcome these energies in any way that fits. Know you are being supported to both ground yourself and move with the flow. 🎉👀

Mantra suggestion

This is a powerful mantra dedicated to the Mother of the Vedas and the goddess of the five elements Gayatri, also known as Savitri. It brings us into a meditative state and eliminates ignorance connecting to the essence and sustenance of life. It’s also known to help rid the body of impurities and help to cleanse.

Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

Listen to it here.

“We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.”
– Rhonda Byrne

Want regular updates of new posts, programs, and moon rituals? Subscribe to the newsletter here
Get to know me more here.

Which of these are you most interested in? Do you have any other New Moon rituals you’d like to share with others? Let me know, lets learn from one another. 

Special thank you to Ella, who I receive the most amount of knowledge on these topics, and for just being such a beautiful supportive soul. 

Full Moon in Scorpio

Full moon in scorpio rituals


 Download your free printable Affirmations & Journalling Prompts Card Deck  HERE!


Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon: 

  • Be sure to take the time to energetically cleanse your body, whether it is by taking a bath, working with crystals, or burning sacred herbs .
  • Set an intention to cleanse and release any energy that you no longer need to hold on to. 
  • Practices like acupuncture, reiki, pranic healing, and sound baths can also be highly beneficial for clearing stagnant energy from the body
  • Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:If you feel scattered, make sure to do some grounding practises.  (Check out some of the practises included for free in the membership trail, ground, connect with nature and your root chakra! 🔥)

Part of every yoga program we host, we always hold a private WhatsApp group in which I share daily affirmations and journal prompts, to connect within even deeper. To find out the latest programs, live or online, just check here

Dive in deeper

👆 Diving deeper into your feelings, actions, emotions, relationships… Super Full Moon In Scorpio guides you to dive deeper

I host monthly Full Moon Ritual Workshops where we dive into the energies, journal, meditate and move together. If you want to join our next full moon workshop just get in touch with me – instagram OR email.

I am not an astrology expert myself, however I like to surround myself with people with great and beautiful knowledge on this topic. Here is an accumulation of knowledge on this Super Full Moon in Scorpio that I learned about from others. ✨ 

Super Full Moon in Scorpio ♏️ 🦂  

Super Full Moons occur when the Moon is exactly opposite from the sun in the sky, and comes nice and close to the Earth. This not only makes the Moon appear bigger and brighter in the sky, but it also increases its magnetic potency. This particular superman, nicknamed the full pink moon, is occurring on April 27th at 05:31am CET. 

Full Moons have a way of drawing things out of us. Their magic is that they can bring things to the surface, uncover hidden wounds, and stir emotions we didn’t even know we had. Because of this, Full Moons can be considered powerful portals for release work.

Full Moon in Scorpio 🦂 – fall in the watery sign of Scorpio, you may find yourself feeling extra sensitive and in touch with our higher senses. Intuition may speak to you with more clarity, or it may be easier for you to pick up on the energies of those around you. You may notice that your dream state is very active and vivid. Pay close attention to any dreams, keep a notebook nearby and write down everything that you remember about the dreams. This might be information from your higher self, spirit guides and those on the other side. 

This full moon invites you to let go and release of any built up energies. We pick up on the energies around us whether we realize it or not, and sometimes those energies can stick with us. By clearing your energetic body you can return to a state of wholeness and balance. You can ensure that your energy is authentic to who you really are.

Because the authentic, real you, deserves to SHINE BRIGHT!

Scorpio energy is ruled by Pluto, and just a day after this Full Moon, Pluto enters the underworld for its annual retrograde. The indicates that whatever you are being guided to release could link back all the way to October of last year

Events from that time may resurface, or you may find yourself needing to clear any psychic or emotional baggage that you have inherited since that time. 

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, so keep in mind that whatever has fallen away has not been lost. It is simply undergoing a transformation and you may start to see signs of the rebirth under this Scorpio Full Moon.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and surprise, is also very active on this Full Moon. Careful, as you may be caught off guard, maybe experience a sudden change of events. 

In fact, the whole week leading up to the Full Moon offers some of this erratic Uranus energy, so there’s a good chance we may be feeling a little frazzled by the time the Moon blossoms into fullness.

Scorpio energy invites us to see how sometimes agitated or anxious energies are there to show and teach us is that sometimes the only way out is through. Like before every rainbow, comes a stormIn this full moon in Scorpio, Venus is also travelling in its home sign of Taurus. When a planet is in its home sign, it can express its full frequency. That means that not only is this Scorpio full moon of 2021 bringing release, but through this tension, it’s also encouraging us to embrace our worth. 

Brace, surrender and any uncomfortable energy will soon pass leaving you with new wisdom, a deeper understanding, greater compassion, and a bigger understanding of the whole. 

Full moon energy can manifest for up to two weeks after the event takes place, so knowing this, ask yourself how you can work with your energy and make the most out of this time. 

extra full moon in scorpio suggestions

Crystals for Scorpio: Black-banded Agate, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot, Clear Quartz and Ruby.

Colours for Scorpio: Deep dark shades of red, russet-brown, stone-grey, light green and yellow. 

Herbs for Scorpio: Sage, basil, chervil. nutmeg, clove and saffron.

May your heart heal. May the past no longer block your view of the present. May you breath again, rest again, laugh again, live again. May it be so.

– Dr.Thema
Want regular updates of new posts, programs, and moon rituals? Subscribe to the newsletter here
Get to know me more here.

Which of these are you most interested in? Do you have any other Full Moon rituals you’d like to share with others? Let me know, lets learn from one another. 

Special thank you to Ella, who I receive the most amount of knowledge on these topics, and for just being such a beautiful supportive soul. 

Yoga for Arthritis – Safe Muscle Strengthening

yoga for arthritis - safe muscle strengthening

Have you ever been in a month long arthritis flare where you couldn’t even move your body? I for sure have! 

After that month I wanted to spend some time to rebuild muscle, coordination, balance, posture… and just be able to move with more body strength again without hurting my joints even more. Discovering yoga for arthritis online was a little disappointing. 

Google it… what do you find? Older people videos, that aren’t very motivating or uplifting! 

yoga for arthritis teacher, Paulina, smiling directly into the camera while in a park in a forward fold position holding

I am here to CHANGE THAT

Yoga for arthritis is no longer boring, still or demotivating. Below I have prepared a list for you of some muscle strengthening yoga for arthritis.

Yoga for rheumatoid arthritis has many shapes, forms, speeds and styles. The yoga for arthritis that I focus on is a mixture of therapeutics and mindful movement, which you might enjoy or not. Give it a go, and let me know. 

JOIN our next live zoom session for free to discover Therapeutic Mindful Movement, key focus on safe movement for the body and positive healing for the mind. How to join? Subscribe to the newsletter to receive a weekly zoom timetable and registration link! 

I’ve been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2014, and after training, and using my own experience, I truly believe yoga is a gift for our community. 

  1. Reclined Table Top Variations
    Table top is truly one of my favourite strengthening postures out there, and its reclined version doesn’t put any pressure on the wrists or knees, and is perfect for core strengthening, balance improvement and slow breath with movement work. Core muscle engagement helps in our posture, helps to support our back and by doing that, it helps us walk with better safer alignment. Yoga for arthritis done the whole way. 
  2. Table Top 
    Mentioned the reclined version above, and here if you are having a day where your arthritis in knee, shoulders and wrists is feeling mostly you can give this one a go. With this option you work the core as well as leg & back strength. Still keeping the core engaged, balance is worked even more here with the key aspect of the breath. 
  3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
    Fierce, and so grounding 🔥 Practise this then take over the world! Strengthening your legs, gluten and arms in the process! Yoga for arthritis is not boring at all, it is full of power and love for our bodies. 
  4. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
    Arthritis feeling good in your knee and ankle day? This is a beautiful one to practise. Balance, strength, fun and so much inner confidence! Embody that warrior and rock it out! 
  5. Boat pose (Paripurna Navasana)
    Open up your chest, welcome in more love into your heart while working the muscles of your hips and abdominals. The balance it requires also engages your back, and make sure to try out some fun variations! Like spelling your name with your legs letter by letter in the air. Your go to safe yoga asana for arthritis muscle building without putting pressure on your joints. 
  6. Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
    Great yoga strength training asana to practise to engage all the back muscles – from your shoulders and neck, down to your waist – as well as the back of your legs and arms! 

Note that these are not the only ones, there are plenty others that can be done with even less strength. Would you like to see more? Have some others you enjoy doing that you’d like me to explain? Making yoga for arthritis safe, beneficial and therapeutic because we all deserve to feel amazing 😻 

Remember, you are a warrior 💪 

Namaste 🙏 

Paulina 🧘‍♀️ 

Do you also think you have to be flexible to do yoga? Check my myth bust over here.

New Moon in Aries

Fire, Courage & Passion!

👆 Some qualities of this New Moon in Aries. arriving at our door on April 11th!

I am not an astrology expert myself, however I like to surround myself with people with great and beautiful knowledge on this topic. Here is an accumulation of knowledge on this New Moon in Aries that I learned about from others. ✨ 

New Moon in Aries – first zodiac sign on the wheel signifies being first, standing strong and connects a lot to the ‘I AM’ energy. The ferociously passionate fire sign can be a little pushy, but only because this courageous Ram 🐏 knows we are designed for greatness. It’s time to listen and put the plans into action. The masculine energy from ruling planet Mars (also the planet of action) guides us to unleash our undeniable confidence within. 

If last month was about dream space and resting, it was for a reason. 💤 Now is about making the most of every moment – a lot of energy will be needed, but all that hard work will pay off. 🔥 

You are invited to open your heart to rise up to who you want to become and what you wish to achieve. 💕 

You are not on this world to just be, you are here for a purpose. Ignite that fire within to connect, find and stay true to your purpose. 

The world needs you and your powers! 💪 

With the New Moon in Aries you might feel a lot of energy built up from this fire sign, or you might feel more tired, Maybe you used up your fire and now need space to cool down before taking on that passionate action forward. 💪 

Connecting back a little to the ruling planet Mars, it is in rule of Aries, currently being in Gemini which stands for our thoughts, thinking, dreaming. This also invites you to take time to tune in, take a deep breath, and find what you need. 🧘‍♀️ 

Libra – the counterpart of Aries, sign of balance. Last new moon was in Libra, so we are still carrying that energy forward. If you need more balance, connect to this energy of the past new moon to bring you more balance and clarity, to create that fiery passion to set your new intentions for the month ahead. ✉️ ✨ 

Following month is all about fresh starts, so sit down and decide what areas of your life will get your focus. Make a list of all the new projects that excite you and see which one you gravitate towards. Then use this fire energy to get started! 💌 👀

New Moon in aries Rituals

Here are some helpful affirmations to focus on this lunar cycle:

  • I boldly and courageously create the life I desire 
  • I allow myself to step into my personal power
  • I am full of energy and confidence to achieve anything I set my mind to 
  • I positively and productively use my time 

Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon: 

  • Start a new venture. This moon is all about shining light on self-strength and following through to get results 
  • Use the fire element to kick start anything you want to keep in your routine and make a permanent habit 
  • Use fire ritual to burn any limiting beliefs or things holding you back
  • Determine where you want to be in your life so you know which areas to focus on
  • Revise your vision board and add or subtract if you need! 
  • Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practices to give you the boost you need such asKapal Bhati & Breath of fire, Naga Vayu, Solar Plexus ChakraFocus in Yoga with twists and Warrior poses.Additional Rituals to focus on this new moon:Energising practises and ones focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. (Check out some of the practises included for free in the membership trail, ignite that fire! 🔥)

Journaling prompts for reflection, celebration and intention setting:

  • What do I need to release before moving forward with this new moon cycle?
  • What patterns have I been holding on to that no longer serve?
  • What would I put my energy into if there were nolimitations?
  • What Project have I been holding off on starting?
  • What do I need to plan for?
  • What direction do I want to take?
  • What would my most confident self do/say/feel….?
  • What do I desire?
  • Now, you can set your intentions for the following 29.5 days and 6 months. 
Part of every yoga program we host, we always hold a private WhatsApp group in which I share daily affirmations and journal prompts, to connect within even deeper. To find out the latest programs, live or online, just check here

Mantra suggestion

Lord Shiva, the destroyer, burning the path for new beginnings seems like a perfect focus for Aries and this fiery season. There are many different mantras and chants dedicated to Shiva allowing us to harness our greater being as we pave new beginnings.

One of many uplifting and vibrant mantras, I’d like to introduce you to one that will fill you with energy and passion is Shiva Shambo


Shiva Shambho 
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho, Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho, Mahadeva Shambho

Shambho means “the auspicious one” and mahadeva also carries this meaning along with “the Great God”, so when we chant this mantra we are invoking these qualities within, ensuring our personal success. 

Here’s a version that is bound to get your energy moving

I would love to hear your thoughts on this, and what you found the most helpful. Tag me, message me on instagram! Let’s ignite the fire within us all together. ❤️ 

May your heart heal. May the past no longer block your view of the present. May you breath again, rest again, laugh again, live again. May it be so.

– Dr.Thema
Want regular updates of new posts, programs, and moon rituals? Subscribe to the newsletter here
Get to know me more here.

Which of these are you most interested in? Do you have any other New Moon rituals you’d like to share with others? Let me know, lets learn from one another. 

Special thank you to Ella, who I receive the most amount of knowledge on these topics, and for just being such a beautiful supportive soul. 

Ego vs Higher Self Mindset

Ego vs Higher Self Mindset

Ego: They left me…
Higher Self: They cleared space for new connections. 

Ego: I should have known better…
Higher Self: I did the best I could with my level of awareness.

Ego: I’m behind everyone else…
Higher Self: I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. 

Mindset is all that matters. 

Become aware of your thoughts & notice how you let them drive your world.

Trust in yourself & the beautiful unique journey you are on. 


Do you experience stiff wrists? Check out this post on some tips to protect your wrists during yoga. 

Do you think you need to be flexible to do yoga? Check this post where I bust this myth.

Virabhadra… Warrior…


Virabhadra… warrior…

Did you know that this is not the actual Sanskrit word for warrior? It’s in fact the name of a very specific warrior in Hindu theology, sent by Shiva to avenge his love.

The story goes like this: while Shiva was sitting in meditation, his father-in-law, the king Daksha, invited all the other gods to a sacrifice at his palace – excluding Shiva. Shiva’s wife, Sati, became very angry at her father for this, and she showed up at his palace to yell at him. She got so angry that she burst into flames and fell to ash at her father’s feet.

Even from his deep meditation, Shiva could feel that his beloved had died in her father’s palace, and he assumed her father had killed her. So he created a warrior called Virabhadra to go and avenge her death. Warrior 1 pose represents Virabhadra rising up in front of Daksha’s throne with sword in hand–warrior 2 is him chopping off King Daksha’s head–and Warrior 3 is him planting the head on a stake for all the party guests to see.

The story continues that Sati reincarnated on the spot to beg Shiva to come out of his meditation and set things straight; when Shiva realized his error, he replaced King Daksha’s head with the head of a goat, and all was forgiven.

What a story hmm?! This story teaches me a few things:
1. Don’t be so quick to judge a situation before you have all sides of the story.
2. Well, that there is incredible POWER in the force of LOVE.

Have you done the warrior poses recently? Try it again with this story in mind, and it will change your practice immediately. Feel STRONGER – more powerful, more confident.

This is a well-documented phenomenon: changing our SHAPE can change our entire MOOD. Quite often, our self-protective posture (when we’re sad, scared, nervous, stressed, etc.) looks like shoulders rounding forward, as if we’re trying to hug ourselves, shrink ourselves, turn ourselves into a little ball. The Warrior poses ask us to do the exact OPPOSITE, and it creates the exact opposite effect in our body.

You hold the power of decision. What mood do you decide to be in today?


Explanation of this goddess done by the goddess queen herself @yogatrotter_

T-shirt @unstigmashop

Do you experience stiff wrists? Check out this post on some tips to protect your wrists during yoga. 

Do you think you need to be flexible to do yoga? Check this post where I bust this myth.

Tratak Sadhana Meditation

Tratak Sadhana Meditation

Trataka meditation, also known as a tratak sadhana or candle-gazing meditation, is a meditation technique in which you center your focus on a single visual point.
The point may be an image, a word, a symbol, or even just a dot on the wall. The idea is to allow the gaze to soften and rest gently on this point, so that the mind can relax. I love to use candles for this purpose as they are a particularly powerful object to use, because the soft flicker of the candlelight has a natural lulling motion that allows you to relax more easily, as if in a trance-like state.
The goal of tratak sadhana is to enter samadhi – an intense, focused concentration – by raising the energy in the sixth chakra, located at the third eye. This center is the chakra aligned with your vision, both physical sight and internal vision and intuition. Resting your eyes softly is said to induce higher activity in this region.
Like many meditation techniques, there are a number of common variants. Most commonly, the focal point is set at eye-level, three to four feet in front of you. Another common variation is for the focal point to rest on the floor a little further away, between one and two meters from the individual.
A secondary aim of candle-gazing meditation – or simply relaxing your gaze on a single point – is to develop the solar plexus in the third chakra (naval center). There are strong associations between the 6th and 3rd chakra centers, so you gaze at the candle or image, you can more easily build a feeling of warmth and inner fire in your abdominal region.
Tratak Yoga – Maintaining Drishti
Tratak sadhana is also a common practice in yoga. Commonly known as drishti, the technique is applied in yoga not as a specific meditation, but as a focal point to help the individual maintain balance.
Drishti refers to a single point of focus, which, again, may be on the floor or on a wall slightly in front of the individual. Maintaining this focus through a yoga sequence helps the individual to maintain balance. Thus, the technique is particularly popular in balancing postures such as Vrkasana (Tree Pose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose), and Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), among others.
The Benefits of Trataka
This technique has a number of well-established results and positive effects. The primary benefit of trataka meditation is an increased ability to concentrate, both during meditation and throughout other daily tasks.
The improved concentration occurs in two ways, as you develop both an increased capacity to maintain focus for longer periods of time, as well as an ability to enter into a state of deep focus. This level of concentration is commonly associated with clearer reasoning faculties and an ability to make effective decisions.
Gazing meditations have also been shown to improve memory and recall, as they cleanse the cerebral cortex, helping to decrease anxiety, relieve depression, and promote deeper, more relaxed sleep.
According to yogic traditions, the practice also helps to relieve eye tension and may be a factor in helping factors related to eye fatigue and poor vision.

Have you ever experienced a candle light meditation? Let me know below!



Do you experience stiff wrists? Check out this post on some tips to protect your wrists during yoga. 

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness where the subconsciousness and unconscious dimensions occur spontaneously.
It is is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. It is a systematic method including complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.
The state of relaxation is reached by turning inward, away from outer experiences.


A single hour of Yoga Nidra is as restful as four hours of sleep.

Difference between Yoga Nidra and meditation:
Yoga Nidra is a type of meditative practice, with one of the key intentions being to foster very deep relaxation.
Meditation, however, is focused on softening the mind, which then softens the body. Yoga Nidra softens the body first, which then allows the mind to soften.

Yoga Nidra is done by laying on the floor/mat/sofa/bed in savasana. 

Covered by a gentle blanket & a pillow under the knees to support the lower back. 

Best experienced via headphones, listening to my guidance. 

Eyes closed, full body and mind relaxation.

Some Benefits of Yoga Nidra include:
• Reduces stress, blood pressure and improves sleep
• Helps to deal with psychological issues such as depression
• Balances the nervous and endocrine systems
• Boost the immune system
• Help cells regenerate and repair
• Decrease anxiety and improve your mood
• Rewires thoughts and emotions
• Promotes creativity and connection

If you would like to try a class for free, just let me know!



Do you experience stiff wrists? Check out this post on some tips to protect your wrists during yoga.