

Gratitude has truly transformed my life. 

When you feel grateful for something it is impossible to feel any negative emotion at the same time. Try it, I dare you.

We have so much goodness in our lives, even in moments where it feels like everything is falling apart. Allow yourself to feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve your health and build stronger relationships with such a simple practice of gratitude. 

Gratitude became a big part of my life at a time of my diagnosis. I read the Law of Attraction, the Magic, the Power of Now… & many other mindset coaching related books and all of them without fail mention the practice of gratitude. So there must be something in it right?

And damn there is something very powerful in this practice.

So let me help you and start you off. Repeat after me. Feel it. Write it. Express it. 

Repeat after me, or comment your own gratitude list of 3. Power of 3 is a wonderful one too! <3 

I am grateful for my health, that keeps me alive.
I am grateful to have the internet as it allows me to connect with friends and family around the world with ease.
I am grateful to have money to live a comfortable life with a roof under my head, a phone, and clothes to wear.



Do you experience stiff wrists? Check out this post on some tips to protect your wrists during yoga. 
Do you think you need to be flexible to do yoga? Check this post where I bust this myth.

Protecting your wrists during Yoga

How to protect your wrists during yoga Namaste beautiful! Are your wrists also needing more care and attention? Mine for sure do. Arthritis can affect

Get to know me!

About me What is your invisible illness & when were you diagnosed?I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 18, 2014. Rheumatoid arthritis

Flexibility & Yoga

I’m not flexible enough to do yoga ‘I’m not flexible enough to do yoga.’ Are you seriously thinking that?! Let me bust this myth once